Saturday, April 27, 2013

You want me to go in where? 0_0

Today i went over to the Kraft Foods plant in Springfield, MO and worked with LCS Kleen Aire a chimney sweep and air duct cleaning company (highly recommended). Now i have worked for them many jobs before over the past couple months but today's "ticket" (as in slang for a Labor Ready Job ticket) entailed cleaning two duct systems, laying plastic over machinery and squeegeeing some floors.

The crew was fairly large so we each took on a set list of things to get done. That being said I layed and duct taped plastic or cleaned up water messes and work areas for a better part of the day.

A month ago on a trip to IL with LCS they had me crawling in the confined spaces but this go around it was the other guys turn. :-) The job before that one we were simply wipeing ceiling work down and cleaning all the oil off gridwork at the Positronic plant. A lot of ladder work there for sure. (Attached picture is of the get up i wore for that job, and one of the look down from a 14 foot ladder)

Overall a long day in deed but enjoyable as always, it is one company i love getting hired out for the day and look forward to it most the time. And can't wait till next time. :-D

Attached photo: Stock before/after picture of a duct, taken off the interwebs but still gives you a good idea what we put our selves into and the work that needs to be done.

Peace!! B-) -Nomad out

P.S. Believe it or not i use to be terrified of small spaces but with this job that is exactly where i have to go, but hey i get paid to do it so,..... it is different mentally?..... :s I guess. Lolz Anyways what's your biggest fear?

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